Friday, January 15, 2010

Meet Caroline: Part I

Hi, I'm Caroline Horn, and I'm the lucky girl who gets to live in Key West and manage the shop for Jo and Terry.

I moved here from Kentucky about a year and a half ago for all the obvious reasons that one would move to Key West. My son, Josh, left home to save the world via the United States Coast Guard, so I suppose it's my turn to live a little. Shortly after arriving here, I wandered into the shop looking for a job and totally fell in love with colors, the beautiful furniture and accessories, and of course, Jo and Terry!

In Kentucky, I worked for an architect and for a builder, so my background was primarily new construction, historic preservation, and kitchen and bath remodeling. I've always loved working with color, and I always tried to inject a little whimsy - something unexpected - into my designs. Now working with Jo, I have learned so much about completing the design concept.

I feel so fortunate to be working with Jo and Terry and living in Key West. Key West has such an open and accepting attitude, and I know I've been changed in the short time I lived here.

There is so much creativity on this little island. Nobody would ever say, "Well, you can't do that." You can create anything you dream in Key West. And I think my very favorite thing about Key West is that adults get to play dress up for no particular reason...

That's me in the purple mask!

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