Thursday, March 3, 2011

One Small Change: New Towels

After all of that work we put into our bathroom redo, I still felt like something was missing. Everything looked fresh and new and luxurious, but something was still off.

Then the other day, as I was looking at this shop display... came to me! We needed new towels.

Okay - this may not be a life changing epiphany. But it's a bathroom changing one.

Previously, we had a very nice set of crisp white towels that theoretically work in any bath.

But by adding a little color...a sea glass shade of blue to be pretty new bathroom received yet another upgrade.

It's amazing what a big difference such a small change can make.

Feeling a little blah about one of your rooms? Think about updating your couch or bed with some colorful new pillows or throws. Revitalize your kitchen with bright curtains and dish towels. And yes - pretty linens can give a bathroom an unexpected face lift.

Little things really do make a difference.

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