Friday, March 4, 2011

Frameable Fabrics

I think I may have mentioned how much I love fabrics here... Once or twice?

Anyway - I never tire of browsing through swatches or scrolling through online galleries and today I was doing just that at Clarence House.

I've often considered framing a favorite textile - but that would require procuring a remnant... So for the time being, I keep a mental list of the ones I want.

Any one of these from Clarence House would be super:

(very Key West)

(this one would be fun for a nursery - very unique and colorful!)

One great thing about blogging: you basically have a virtual idea catalog to reference. What was that cute Clarence House fabric with the birds...? Just search the blog and there it is!

And on that note, I'm off to the bus top to retrieve one of the three reasons I rarely get around to such projects... Have a great weekend!