Sunday, December 11, 2011

All I Want for Christmas: THIS CAMERA!

Yesterday, I posted this to my Wishing True blog - but I thought I'd share it here as well.

Have you seen the new Lytro camera?

You can get full details on the science behind it (light field mumbo jumbo) on the website. But putting theory into practice, the user can take a picture and then play around with the focus later. Here are examples of two pictures focused two different ways AFTER the image was captured:

The perfect camera for a regular Joes who are never going to become serious photographers with all of the lenses and technical training. And particularly good for events or action that you don't want to miss while fiddling with camera settings.

While I love my "real" camera and do want to learn how to do more with it - this little guy would come in pretty handy for on the go - every day picture snapping.

Now I'm curious to hear what users think...