Friday, May 13, 2011

Open for Business...FINALLY!

When I said that we'd be launching the (much anticipated, long time coming, not sure if it was ever going to happen....) online shop in a week or so, I wasn't planning to drop off the map for over a month!

All of the work that went into the online store - which I started calling "data entry hell" - as well as the overall re-design - a big thank you to Fabulous K! - was a much longer process than we planned. But the end result is well worth it. What do you think? We're thrilled.

During my time underground, I took the kids down to Key West for a visit. This gave me a fantastic opportunity to visit the shop and take some pictures (not very good ones, with my iphone - but still...)

The rest of the trip was devoted to entertaining small children.

Thank god my parents have a pool!

I really love visiting Key West. I don't think I applied make up once (not conducive to hourly sunblock slatherings) or even attempted to blow dry my hair. Here is what I look like when I'm there:

Like I said, no make up, But I made up for it with EXTRA freckles and frizzy Florida hair (meaning my hair is frizzy in FL not that people in FL have frizzy hair!).

I'm already plotting my next trip back...perhaps without the kids! We'll see...

If you have this blog in your reader, please remember to update the feed. I'm no longer posting at the old blogspot. So change that to

And drop by the online shop! I'd love to hear what you think.