Wednesday, March 9, 2011

When Bad Things Happen to Good Rooms: The Tree

Whenever I see a picture of a room I like, I immediately look up the designer and check out their portfolio. And just like anyone else, I love some of it, appreciate some of it and don't care for the some of it. But I rarely find myself so confused that I have to check the url address several times to make sure that I didn't accidentally click over to a Wiccan decor site....


Now - why would anyone go and do that to a perfectly lovely living space?

The furniture looks so welcoming. I want to curl up on that sofa with a book and a steaming mug of tea. Or sit around with some friends and a good bottle of wine. The colors are a tad more neutral than I prefer, but that actually adds to the feeling of serenity this quiet corner of a room has to offer.

The tree though... It's is a game changer. I looks like it might uproot and walk across the room. Or maybe a little gnome will scramble out of a hidden door to shake his fist and demand that you turn down the music.

I wonder if it holds some personal significance for the owner. Some sentimental value?

Do they add a new "charm" to the tree with every big trip or event?

Does the tree have a name?

And if they celebrate Christmas, do they even bother dragging in an evergreen? Seems like they could just drape some garlands and call it a day.

My questions about that tree are endless. But I will in fact end with this disclaimer:

I wholeheartedly believe in staying true to your own decor aesthetic and not giving a flying WTF about what anyone else has to say about it. Including me. If you want to fly your freak flag high, then I salute I sputter incredulously over the bat sh*t crazy tree growing out of your living room floor. And yes - you are more than welcome to come over to my place and laugh at the little old lady nicknack collections I love so much. To each his own, my each his own.

Image via Kishani Perera where wonderfully creative talent reigns and inexplicable weirdness only makes this single appearance.

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