Friday, July 16, 2010

One Small Change: Kitchen Faucets

If you can't afford to remodel a room or do a major renovation, sometimes one small change can make a world of difference. Each Friday, we will now feature "One Small Change" that will lift your spirits and give a fresh look to your space. Maybe even change your life!

Think about your kitchen faucet...does it annoy you with its inefficiency? Is the sprayer broken or outdated? Is it just plain ugly? Delta Faucets can be purchased online or at any home improvement store, and many are under $200. Just imagine filling your coffee pot each morning with a sleek and elegant faucet like one of these:

There are even faucets that can be turned on just by touching--even with with your elbow if your hands are dirty.

Now that's life changing in our book!


1 comment:

  1. I am wanting to change all the door latches and hinges...then it will be all the faucets.. Wish I could hire someone..go out to the pool for the day and come back..and's done!

    Happy Weekend!
