Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our Other Oasis

Yesterday Kate asked if you could guess where Terry and I had spent the last two weeks...

Guess what? You were right! We were the Rillerah.

The Rillerah is our cabin on the banks of the rushing McKenzie River in Blue River Oregon. The little community where the house is situated actually used to be called "Rainbow" until the Post Office was closed and it was annexed to Blue River.

Boo hoo, I'd much rather say I live in Rainbow. How delightful! It feeds all my color dreams. Oh well, I still like to think we're in Rainbow.

But back to the Rillerah. As you can see, the house is tucked in among the trees, blending into the scenery with its gentle greens and browns.

But of course I had to jazz it up a little with coral-red wicker porch furniture, very soft and cushy, the perfect spot to lie back and watch the river in its never-ending flow.

And we had to add a cheerful coral red door to give a hearty welcome.

This was all very exciting for us because it was our first view of the house since renovations began last winter. We think the house was built in the 1940s with small remodels along the way (lots of Formica, linoleum and asphalt tile). And then, in 1968, the addition of a lovely small dining room hanging right over the river - windows on three sides makes it feel that you are in a boat floating down the river.

Added at the same time, the huge master bedroom with vaulted ceiling and immense field stone fireplace. It was somewhat of a schizophrenic little house, sorely in need of attention. My job was to unify everything, bring it up to code, and all around prettify it.

I'd love to give you a tour. Come back tomorrow for more pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh! I am so excited! Can't imagine having such a lovely place in an enchanted spot!
