Monday, May 3, 2010

Outdoor Spaces (and a giveaway announcement)

First - I just wanted to announce that the giveaway (see HERE for details) for pajamas or throw pillows will be open a bit longer. Due to some computer issues - I will most likely be offline for the week. Hopefully, the repairs will be minimal - but I'm planning for a full five business days of computer exile.

But before I are some lovely outdoor living spaces - an important part of Key West culture:

I love the coral pillows here:

These companion shots look so wonderfully unstudied. I could easily see a lunch of bread and cheese with wine and then a snooze on a chaise happening here:

A bit more grand...but I can still see some great gatherings taking place here. I would pick a corner spot on the couch and tuck my feet under me. All alone? Curling up with a book sounds pretty good too - especially if there is a nice breeze:

Not exactly my style - but I love all of the color. I'd call it casual glamour:

The symmetry of this space is really appealing to me. And I LOVE those chairs in the foreground - but I don't know if they look very outdoor-friendly... Maybe they only come outside for guests and room stylists:

This one is CLASSIC Key West. That painted porch ceiling? Love it!

Hmmm. Not a fan of the uncomfortable looking chairs in this one... But I'm crazy about that iron and tile table, and the blue and yellow display is charming:

These last two could fit very well in Key West homes. Light and airy and somewhat eclectic. And COMFORTABLE!

Okay - wish me luck with my computer. And have a great week!

Images from House Beautiful, DecorPad and Coastal Living.

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