Our friend Mary Ann Davis has one of the prettiest properties in Key West and it's perfect for outdoor entertaining. The house is approached down a long brick walkway that is completely hidden from the street and lined with palm trees and orchid plants.
As the house comes into view you find yourself in a lovely courtyard bordered by the main house, the guest house and the pool.
Very often this courtyard is the cocktail spot.
The house itself is very gracious and welcoming with steps going up to a wide veranda - comfortable seating to one side and a large dining table on the other.
Mary Ann loves entertaining and does it with great artistry, always setting a beautiful table with colorful coordinated linens and tableware, always different and always gorgeous.
What a treat to be dining outdoors on a sultry Key West evening with palm blade fans circulating the air. It's paradise!
Wow I want to dive right into her pool, then sit at her lovely table with a cocktail in hand and chat the night away. Lovely photos - what a lucky friend you have to live there! Thanks for sharing!