Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bathroom Rehab

We have embarked on a new decorating project chez Coveny. Redoing the master bathroom is something I have been dreaming about for the entire nine years we have lived here. (Wow! Has it really been that long?) However, there were many more important things to do. Number one was to renovate the shop space and get the business up and running. Then Terry launched into creating a tropical paradise in our yard. Then, Disaster struck in the form of Hurricane Wilma and everything we had accomplished had to be redone. At last, hooray, it's time for the bathroom redo.

Here are a few views of the current mess. I cringe each time I put my toe in that tub/shower...and I cringe even more to imagine all of you readers looking at this. But to appreciate the wonderful anticipated "after" you have to see the hideous "before." So, gulp, here goes:

Ugh - it's even worse in pictures...

The one redeeming feature of the master bath though, is a great one. The door was handcrafted by someone along the line.I love it and it has provided the inspiration for the cabinetry. We will have a vanity and recessed medicine cabinet of pickled pine with hand tooled grille work panels.

And here is a board of tile samples.

It was a hard decision on the flooring. I fell totally in love with the real stone sample but after considering the difference in price and realizing I would spend a lot of time on my hands and knees scrubbing grout, I opted for the granite looking porcelain tile.

The walls will be crisp white painted bead board with pale aqua ceiling. The horrible old tub is leaving and being replaced with a room-width shower of 8x10" vertical white tile with a 6" border at the top of the little glass and marble tiles in shades of soft green and aqua. There will be no shower curtain or doors, just a glass panel about 2/3 the length of the shower. White oval sink, white commode and of course the pickled pine cabinetry. All crisp, clean and sparkling.

The demolition begins June 1, and I, like a complete coward, will sneak away to Oregon leaving the whole mess in the capable hands of my fellow designer Caroline. But just in case you're interested, we'll post updates.

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