Tuesday, March 9, 2010

When Turquoise Isn't Our Favorite Color

Sometimes certain items come in a color that doesn't behoove either the item or the color. For instance, sky blue is a favorite of practically everyone. And tuxedos are an elegant fashion statement: think George Clooney on Oscar night. However, a sky blue tuxedo....you get my drift. So there are times when even turquoise is just wrong...

Oh, no! That was the bathroom at Cousin Stanley's house. You remember his kitchen transformation from last week. The project actually began with the bathroom because he simply could not imagine starting his day in there.

Fortunately there is an easy solution when good bathtubs go bad. You can actually paint them. The turquoise sink--again a combination that is kitschy but more fun to look at in a magazine than while brushing your teeth--was replaced with a classic Kohler pedestal sink. And, finally, we installed Tech Lighting with adjustable heads that allow the light to be directed where you need it.

The 18" floor tiles set on the diagonal help to make the space seem more open. Stanley liked the idea of wall tile throughout the room, so he chose inexpensive field tile and splurged on the chair rail and the glass mosaics.

And we continued with the glass tile on the shower wall.

No photos of the tub...it's just white, as it should be.